The corporal works of mercy: (1) Feed the hungry. (2) Give drink to the thirsty. (3) Clothe the naked. (4) Shelter the homeless. (5) Visit the sick. (6) Visit the imprisoned. (7) Bury the dead.
The spiritual works of mercy:
(1) Admonish the sinner.
(2) Instruct the ignorant.
(3) Counsel the doubtful.
(4) Comfort the sorrowful.
(5) Bear wrongs patiently.
(6) Forgive offenses.
(7) Pray for the living and the dead. (The best way to do this is to request Masses.)
Some scriptural references for the works of mercy:
† Isaiah 58:6-7
† Hebrews 13:3
† Matthew 25:31-46
† Tobit 4:5-11
† Sirach 17:22
† Matthew 6:2-4
† Luke 3:11
† Luke 11:41
† James 2:15-16
† 1 John 3:17
Mass Cards: Request Perpetual Mass Enrollments or Mass Intentions or Gregorian Masses for Loved Ones.