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Miss Elizabeth and her extended family gather for a photograph celebrating her graduation from Saint Frances Cabrini Academy in Saint Louis, Missouri.My name is Elizabeth, and I graduated from Saint Frances Cabrini Academy in 2013. I started attending Cabrini in kindergarten -- a total of nine years at Cabrini. My family joined Saint Wenceslaus Church soon after our move from California to Missouri. From the very beginning, Saint Wenceslaus has been a home to my family. They welcomed us with open arms and really helped us settle into Saint Louis, Missouri and build a new life.

Thanks to Saint Wenceslaus, we were introduced to Saint Frances Cabrini Academy (on the parish campus), which is where I learned to settle in and build a new life as well.

Fundamental Pillars

Both Cabrini Academy and Saint Wenceslaus are fundamental pillars to my family. Saint Wenceslaus, served by the Missionaries of the Holy Family since 1960, pulled my family closer together with all the service and community events we participated in through the parish. For example, a big event in the parish is the Fall Festival, and my family is heavily involved. We go every year, and, for the past few years, we’ve been running our own booth, the Christmas Booth.

Setting up and running the booth provides the best opportunity for my family to bond with each other and the parish community. Saint Wenceslaus was also where my little sister was baptized, my parents got married, my siblings and I received our First Communion, my brother and I graduated from Cabrini, and I had my Quinceanera Mass. Saint Wenceslaus is a pivotal and essential part of my family’s history and our future, too.

My sister and brother also attended Cabrini, my brother graduated in 2015, and my sister will graduate in 2018. Cabrini has helped shape the amazing people that my siblings are turning out to be. My sister, who used to be shy and would rarely step out of her comfort zone, is one of the biggest leaders in community service, and she’s involved in almost every club at Cabrini.

My brother, who was shy like my sister, is now in top honors at his high school and has been playing on their football team for a year. I am forever grateful to Saint Frances Cabrini Academy for building such strong, independent, and successful graduates. I can honestly say that Cabrini has given me the traits and gifts needed to succeed in high school and in life.

Everyone who’s ever graduated from Cabrini has gone on to do amazing things. Nothing makes me happier than to know that my siblings and I are part of this special community that’s being poured out into the world. I know that with the foundation provided by Saint Frances Cabrini Academy and Saint Wenceslaus Church, I will be able to achieve and succeed at anything I put my mind to do. +JMJ+

[This article by Miss Elizabeth is in the Summer 2016 issue of The Messenger Magazine.]

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