Heavenly Father, the fullness of your design for the Family transforms a Husband and Wife into a Father and Mother. At the heart of this transformation, you make self-sacrifice the cornerstone of Parental Love. Bless all Mothers and Fathers for their their lifelong journey of growing in sacrificial love for the Family.
Bless my Mother and Father;
Bless Expectant Parents and New Parents;
Bless Parents who have grown distant or estranged from their Families;
Bless Parents whose children have died;
Bless Parents who have lost children before birth;
Bless All with healing and reconciliation who have aborted their children;
Bless Parents caring for chronically ill or injured children;
Bless Single Parents;
Bless Adoptive Parents;
Bless Foster Parents;
Bless All who desire to be Parents;
Bless my children who are now Parents;
Bless the Mothers and Fathers whom you have called to eternal life.
Heavenly Father, thank you for the role model of parenthood found in the Holy Family of Nazareth as the standard of holiness for all families.
Mary and Joseph, help us to always follow your example of love and fidelity. We ask for your prayers to your Son, Jesus Christ, for all parents so that they will embrace the self-sacrifice needed to fulfill their God-given vocations as Mothers and Fathers. Amen.
Mass Cards: Request Perpetual Mass Enrollments or Mass Intentions for Your Loved Ones.